K9 Bedbug Detection
K9 Bedbug Detection
Up until recently, bed bugs were not seen at all in the US. Since then, with an increase of international travel, bed bug infestation has grown into a huge problem. They can now be found anywhere from nursing homes, hospitals, apartments, businesses, homes to just about everywhere! They infest these places because they are carried around by humans, and dropped off during our travels. Unfortunately simply being clean does not prevent them from infesting your home or business, so no one is immune to them!
There are two common ways of inspecting for bed bugs; one is through a thorough inspection from a qualified pest control technician. The other is by using a trained bed bug detection dog. The dogs we use are certified bed bug dogs that are retrained daily by their handlers and trainers.
Why Use A Bed Bug Sniffing Dog?
Simply put, they are less expensive, quicker, and 97% accurate! A dogs nose is a fantastic inspection tool that can detect and pinpoint sources of bedbugs. Research supports that if the dog finds bedbugs, there’s a high statistical probability you should investigate further. If the dog doesn’t find bedbugs, you can know with greater certainty that your home, office or business is safe from bedbugs. A typical office building search of approximately 200 rooms can take one dog eight hours to complete.
How Can We Help?
At Whats Bugging You, our unique treatment approach offers proven and guaranteed results. Our program combines a thorough understanding of bed bug biology and behavior, the use of premium pesticides, and expertise in cutting edge technology to attack bed bug populations. We are continuously reviewing the effectiveness of new developments in the field to bring our clients the best, most current technology and services available.
We have a team of dedicated technicians trained to combat bed bugs. We work closely with each individual client to determine the best options for their treatment, while offering pre-treatment and post-cleanup help, and advice every step of the way. Contact us today!